Craft Programs


Our scrapbooking program is a great way for service users to learn new skills while also enjoying looking back at their memories and personal history. This program gives each individual the opportunity to create an accurate and detailed pictorial of their lives, and representing it in a personal and well-presented album.

Craft and Textiles

The group use a range of skills and textures to produce items of their choice. Assistance is provided to learn skills including painting, cutting, pasting and sewing. The end results are taken home to show off to family and friends.

Card Making

Participants will learn a variety of techniques in card making and will make a variety of seasonal cards for Christmas, birthdays and other special occasions

Arty / Crafty

This program is designed for participants that enjoy creating craft pieces from selected box set. Participants will be assisted to follow the instructions and make the item which may take some week to complete. Each item will be taken home when completed.